Welcome to the MLA ACRL Wiki! Below you'll find links to information relevant to MLA ACRL members, such as professional development opportunities and ACRL publications.
This wiki is designed as a space for you to share information about ACRL related issues, as well as post announcements, thoughts and feelings about various ACRL events. Please join the group below to post or add to MLA ACRL discussion. You may set your preferences upon subscribing. You will not receive any emails unless you select this option.
ACRL Update
ACRL Update provides information about ACRL initiatives, professional development opportunities, publications, and other items of interest to academic librarians.
November 24, 2015
December 1, 2015
December 8, 2015
ACRL Insider
The ACRL Weblog, featuring the latest news and announcements from ACRL National!
Library 2.0 Initiatives in Academic Libraries
This is the wiki of the ACRL print publication Library 2.0 Initiatives in Academic Libraries (2007).
ACRL OnPoint
ACRL OnPoint is a live series of informal monthly chat sessions that provide the opportunity to connect with colleagues and experts to discuss an issue of the day in academic and research librarianship.
Chapter Topics: The Newsletter of the ACRL Chapters Council
ACRL E-Learning Scholarships
The ACRL Framework for Information Literacy Advisory Board (FAB) has been hard at work collaborating with the Cherry Hill Company on the development of the Framework “Sandbox,” a repository for sharing Framework instruction materials.
While development has taken a little longer than originally anticipated, we are excited to report that the repository will enter into the testing phase within the next week. After testing is complete and feedback incorporated, we hope to launch the website by the end of November/early December of this year.
We are aware of how highly anticipated this resource is by members of the profession. It has been a priority of ours to balance timeliness of availability of this repository with a high quality, dynamic platform that upon launch will meet the needs of academic librarians using the Framework. This repository will allow contributors to upload resources they have developed and will provide robust searching by fields such as keyword, institution, contributor, and more, so that those looking for ideas can find related materials. We are grateful for everyone’s continued patience, and look forward with excitement to launching before the end of the fall 2016 semester.
In the meantime, we hope Framework practitioners are getting their Framework-related resources ready for submission to the “Sandbox.” We can’t wait to see what everyone has already created!
— The FAB “Sandbox” Project Team (Donna Witek, Susan Miller, and Sharon Mader)
October 19, 2016 Meeting Presentation by Sharon Mader
May 26, 2016 Meeting Minutes
October 21, 2015 Meeting Minutes
October 21, 2015 Meeting Presentation by Jaena Alabi
2015 Spring Meeting Minutes
Oct. 16, 2014 ACRL Meeting Presentation by Ann Riley
Oct 16, 2014 ACRL Meeting Minutes.pdf (Fall 2014)
2014 Spring Meeting Minutes
Spring Meeting 2013 Minutes.docx
2012 Fall Meeting Minutes.doc
Report from ACRL Chapters Council Meeting at ALA Midwinter - 1-22-2012.doc
2011 Fall Meeting Minutes
2011 Spring Meeting Minutes
2010 Fall Meeting Minutes
Julia Blixrud Slides from MLA-ACRL 2010 Lunch
In addition to her presentation, Julia referenced the following documents:
Opportunity Assessment Instrument
Environmental Scan Exercise
2010 Spring Meeting Minutes
2009 Meeting at the University of Southern Mississippi
The minutes of the meeting and Frederick Stoss' presentation
The minutes of the meeting and Karen Green's presentation
Link to David Lee King's Library 2.0 Presentation
From MLA-ACRL 2007 meeting at Vicksburg Convention Center
Time Table for the MLA ACRL Chairperson
MLA ACRL Members
Open Access.pdf
MLA ACRL Past Conference Information
ALA ACRL Election Information
Results, candidate interviews and statements, proposed bylaw changes
ALA ACRL Information
Promotional materials and publications (PDFs) from ALA ACRL
Developing a Scholarly Communication Program in Your Library
This is a free online guide published by the Association of Research Libraries (ARL) and the Association of College and Research Libraries (ACRL). It provides information pertaining to scholarly communication programs involving academic libraries.
ARL/ACRL Institute on Scholarly Communication.doc
ARL/ACRL Institute on Scholarly Communication provides free online resources
ACRL Conference Information
Information on the upcoming ACRL 2011 Conference
ALA Conference Information
Information on the upcoming ALA Annual Conference

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